Perfectionists | Feb. 22, 2022

Patrón Perfectionists Global Finalists & Winning Recipes: Part 1

The final moments of Patrón Perfectionists may not be until late spring, but the recipes that got our competitors to this point continue to shine.

The Perfectionists have continued to make their cocktails in their respective cities as they pore over the details that will catapult one of them as the Global Finals Champion.

In this blog you’ll find each Perfectionist, where they are from, and the recipe to recreate their delicious drinks. Join us in raising a glass as we carry on championing these talented bartenders until the day we can see them in Mexico where they learn what it means to become part of the Perfectionists community.

Cassandra Eichhoff | South Africa | Full Circle

Cocktail Recipe | Full Circle


40ml Patrón Silver

25ml Strawberry Mint Syrup*

25ml Fresh Lime Juice

Grated Nutmeg (garnish)

Dehydrated Pineapple Slice & Leaves (garnish)

Black tea ice block*


Pour all the ingredients into a rocks glass (Patron, Strawberry Mint Syrup, Lime Juice & Black Tea Ice Block) and stir down to dilute. Garnish with pineapple bits and grated nutmeg.

TIP: keep all ingredients chilled prior to serving*


400g Strawberries

100g Mint Leaves

100g Granulated Sugar

- Cut the stalks off the berries, place into a bowl along with the fresh mint

- Add the sugar into the bowl and cover both strawberries and mint with it

- Cover the bowl and allow the sugar to macerate with the fruit for 48hours

- Strain liquid from solids and refrigerate


Pour pre-brewed black tea into an ice mold and freeze.

David Van Zyl | South Africa | Dove Tail

Cocktail Recipe | Dove Tail


50ml Patron Añejo

25ml Green Cardamom-infused Pear Syrup*

25ml St Germain Elderflower Liqueur

25ml Vanilla-infused White Wine Vinegar

15ml Fresh Lemon Juice


Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into a Nick & Nora glass.

*Cardamom-Infused Pear Syrup

Warm 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water and 1 cup of pear pulp in a saucepan — but not enough to cool the pear. Stir in 5 or 6 lightly crushed cardamom pods, strain into a bottle and leave to stand in the fridge overnight.

*Vanilla-Infused White Wine Vinegar

Melt 100g sugar in 50g water to make a gum syrup; add 10g chopped vanilla pod and keep on the heat for a while; add 100ml white wine vinegar, mix well, then pour into a bottle and leave to stand overnight.

Zviad Khuntsaria | UAE | Rising San

Cocktail Recipe | Rising San


30ml Patrón Silver

20ml Fennel seed infused sake*

10ml Triple sec

3 dashes Orange bitters

80ml Tonic


Build the drink over chilled highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with burned grapefruit wedge.

*Fennel infused sake

Heat up the pan and add fennel seeds, roast them on low temperature for about 5 – 10min until it releases oils. Then combine with sake and infuse it for 1 hour. For 200gr of sake infuse 10gr of fennel seed.

Lawrence Christopher Gabriel | Philippines | The Galleon

Cocktail Recipe | The Galleon


60mo Patrón Silver

30ml Tio Pepe Fino Sherry

5ml Cider Vinegar

10ml Coconut Sugar Syrup

Basil leaf (garnish)

Match/​salt/​pepper mix (for glass rim)


Rub some citrus/​coconut sugar in half the rim of the glass and put the Matcha/​salt/​pepper mix. Combine all liquid ingredients in a mixing glass/​tin, fill with ice and stir until properly diluted and chilled. Strain into the rimmed glass. Garnish with a basil leaf.

Harrison Kenney | Australia | Teal

Cocktail Recipe | Teal


30ml Patrón Silver

10ml Fino Sherry

15 Simple Syrup 1:1

20ml Fresh Pressed Lime

20ml Fresh Juiced Celery

3 x 50c size pieces of fresh Kiwifruit

Vanilla pods (Vanilla EVOO)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Vanilla EVOO)


In a shaker tin add:

3 x 50c size pieces of fresh Kiwifruit

30ml Patrón Silver

10ml Fino Sherry

20ml Fresh pressed Lime Juice

20ml Freshly juiced Celery

15ml Simple Syrup 1:1

Shake/​Fine Strain and serve in a coupe and add 3 – 5 drops of Vanilla EVOO

Luca Fanari | Italy | Simply Green

Cocktail Recipe | Simply Green


700ml Patrón Silver

500ml water

400gr sugar

160ml wine vinegar

80ml lime

140gr celery

22gr tarragon leaves

8gr coriander leaves


Add 500ml of water to 700 ml of Patrón Silver. Add tarragon, coriander and celery to the water and tequila mixture and vacuum seal. Leave to infuse for 24 hours. Strain everything and add vinegar, sugar and lime. Pour 90 ml of the blend in a mixing glass.

Stir and strain in a chilled Old-fashioned glass, over a single ice cube. Garnish with a slice of lime and serve.

Alisa Muraviova | E. Europe | Evocative Cocktail

Cocktail Recipe | Evocative Cocktail


40ml Patrón Silver

90 ml Lacto-fermented Grapefruit and Watermelon Juice

2ml Sweet Chili Sauce

10 ml Sparkling water

10 ml lemon juice

1 olive


Combine tequila, lacto-fermented grapefruit and watermelon juice, lemon juice, and sweet chili in shaker. Put ice in shaker. Shake it softly. Take highball from freezer and put rectangular chunk of ice inside it. Put 10ml sparkling water into shaker with cocktail and double strain cocktail into a glass. Garnish cocktail with lacto-fermented watermelon piece and olive.

For lacto-fermentated grapefruit and watermelon juice:

1kg watermelon

1kg grapefruit

3 liters water

180 gram salt

200 gram sugar

Wash and cut watermelons and grapefruits. You should cut each grapefruit to 4 parts to have a possibility easily squeeze a juice after fermentation. Put pieces of grapefruits and watermelons in large jar. Make salt solution from salt sugar and water.

Put water in jar with fruits. Take small plate (diametre of plate should be smaller than neck of the jar) and put in. Put something heavy on the top of the plate and put the jar in warm place for 3 days.

After 3 days you need to open a jar and take all the watermelons and grapefruits away from the jar (necessarily to save salt solution). Squeeze juice from grapefruits. Cut off the skin of watermelon, leave one piece of watermelon for garnishing the drink, and put other pieces in juicer.

Combine watermelon and grapefruit juice. Taste the juice mix and add salt solution to bring the final taste more balanced.

Franz Königsberger | Germany | T‑G-T

Cocktail Recipe | T‑G-T


45ml Patrón Silver

15ml Riesling dry wine

20ml Martini Prosecco syrup*

4 – 8 dashes white wine vinegar

Flower garnish


The drink is thrown. Put all the ingredients in the shaker with ice to it, strain on and throw. The drink needs a lot of air to develop perfectly and increases in complexity with temperature.

*For the Martini Prosecco syrup: 750ml Martini Prosecco, 100g sugar. Boil down together, reduce by about half until it reaches a syrup texture.

Congratulations to all of the global finalists for making it this far. We can’t wait to see you at the Global Finals at our beautiful brand home Hacienda Patrón!

Make sure to follow our Perfectionists to see more of their creative efforts, and to wish them well as the competition advances.

If you recreate one of their stunning cocktails, make sure to tag us, and the creators, so we may share the winning spirit of Patrón Perfectionists. Stay tuned here and on Instagram — @academia_patron — for the latest.

Check out our other posts